Hi All.
Loads of great UX reads in this edition of the UX Inspired Reads list, including several from Blake, Trent, Dom, and Mario. While news of the Adobe’s purchase of Figma sent shockwaves in the UX Community, it is interesting to note the evolution of our collaborative design tools. Figma may not be the app the majority of us use in the future, though its effects with the speed and how we collaborate have changed many things. It is important to take stock of these changes as each season passes. To that, has anyone here used PenPot? https://design.penpot.app
Happy Autumn!
1. Agile UX: How to Incorporate UX and Product Design Into Agile (Blake)
“As UX strategy and design become increasingly important, the challenge of incorporating UX specialists into Agile methodologies becomes equally important. In this article, Toptal Freelance UX Designer Debbie Levitt explains how UX designers and creative teams can be effectively incorporated at all stages of Agile development.”
2. User Story Splitting – Vertical Slice vs Horizontal Slice (Blake)
“Before a user story is ready to be scheduled for implementation in an upcoming iteration, however, many user stories start out larger than that.”
3. Agile Vertical Slicing for Tracking Cross-Functional Work (Blake)
“Shipping better software, faster is the name of the game. However, the rise of cross-functional teams has created unique challenges for product owners, software leaders, and engineering managers alike. With so many different perspectives and specialities, how do you make sure all these cross-functional disciplines are working together as effectively as possible? “
4. How to Run a Remote Design Thinking Workshop (Trent)
“With the rise of remote work, we’ve all been presented with new challenges. How do we digitalize our everyday behaviors, from the project check-ins to the coffee machine catch-ups?”
5. Design Shortcuts (Dom)
“Every shortcut for designers, centralized and searchable.”
6. UX Testing for Public Infrastructure (Mario)
“An article in the Wall Street Journal documents LaGuardia Airport’s remarkable turnaround.”
7. When The Push Button Was New, People Were Freaked (Mario)
“The mundane interface between human and machine caused social anxiety in the late nineteenth century.”
8. The Hidden Overwork That Creeps Into So Many Jobs
“Many employees are completing under-the-radar tasks after hours to get ahead. This kind of overwork has become normalised – and while not all bad, there’s an insidious dark side.”
9. Four Tactics That Backfire When Dealing With A Difficult Colleague
“When you’re at your wit’s end with a challenging colleague and it feels like you’ve tried everything, well-meaning friends and coworkers may tell you to “just ignore it” or to “suck it up” and move on with your life. But suppressing our emotions rarely helps.”
10. Are You The Same Person You Used To Be?
“Researchers have studied how much of our personality is set from childhood, but what you’re like isn’t who you are.”
11. At 86, Jacques Pépin Isn’t Slowing Down
“The celebrated chef lives in Madison, Conn., on a property with two kitchens, an herb-and-vegetable garden and a dog named Gaston. And yes, he has a new cookbook out.”
12. The Next Big Battle Between Google And Apple Is For The Soul Of Your Car
“In the future, your choice of smartphone ecosystem—Android or iPhone—could determine which make and model of car you choose.”
13. Earth Is Now Our Only Shareholder
“If we have any hope of a thriving planet—much less a business—it is going to take all of us doing what we can with the resources we have. This is what we can do.”