Sen Durbin Interviews Mark Zuckerberg
Hello All
This post is a bit late, though still interesting to see what we have learned in the weeks since about Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, and Privacy. Protect your data before your data is taken from you. For Sketch users who like to share designs with team members using Windows, the Lunacy editor does more than InVision may do. Interesting to see what is shaking out here with Bohemian’s Sketch app. Several design based links, along with a great post by Tony Fadell’s call to Apple to tackle smartphone addiction.
Have a great week.
1. Sen. Durbin Asks Zuckerberg If He Would Share What Hotel He Stayed At During Congressional Testimony
“In front of a joint session of the Senate Judiciary and Commerce Committees, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg answers questions from Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.).”
2. After Cambridge Analytica, Privacy Experts Get To Say ‘I Told You So’
“The scandal swirling around Facebook and Cambridge Analytica has begun to usher in a new era for this once-ignored community of privacy researchers and developers. After years of largely disregarding their warnings about exactly what companies like Facebook were doing — that is, collecting enormous amounts of information on its users and making it available to third parties with little to no oversight — the general public suddenly seemed to care about what they were saying.”
3. Lunacy Editor 3.0: Free Sketch For Windows Is Here
“Sketch is a default standard for design, but it exists exclusively for Mac. We were often annoyed that our teammates on Windows were unable to work with our Sketch files, and that we had to employ numerous conversions and half-baked tools. We never stopped working on it–and now we are developing a full-fledged editor that supports the features of the original Sketch for Mac, resolving tons of bugs and performance optimizations.”
4. Lunacy, Sketch For Windows
“Native Windows app that works offline and supports .sketch files”
5. A Look At New York City Before The Cars Totally Took Over
“In 1911 the Swedish company Svenska Biografteatern made a movie of a visit to New York City; the Museum of Modern Art has adjusted the speed and added a bit of a soundtrack and released it on Youtube. I do not live in New York but have spent a lot of time there, and recently have been writing about the conflicts between people who drive, bike, take transit and walk.”
6. Color Picker
“Searching for that perfect color has never been easier, use our HTML color picker to browse millions of colors and color harmonies.”
7. Flat UI Color Picker
“Digging the Flat Color Picker which gives you the perfect colors for flat designs.”
8. Color Tool
“Create, share, and apply color palettes to your UI, as well as measure the accessibility level of any color combination.”
9. Former iPod Chief Tony Fadell Believes Apple Should Tackle Smartphone Addiction
“Tony Fadell, who was instrumental to the creation of the iPod, believes Apple should tackle the issue of smartphone addiction. In an editorial with Wired UK, the former Senior Vice President of the iPod division said Apple can solve the problem at the software level by “empowering users to understand more about how they use their devices.””