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How To Make Lasagne

By Tuesday, February 13, 2007No Comments

Today I made fresh meat lasagne. The base sauce is not different than the one I showed you last week. In fact the meat recipe I used today is a slight variation on classic meatballs. You can add or omit most anything within this recipe. Eat well, but in moderation.

You will need the following for the sauce:
Olive Oil
8 cloves of Garlic
Sea Salt
Fresh Ground Pepper
Crushed Red Pepper Flakes
Fresh Chopped Basil
1 35 ounce can of San Marzano Roma Tomatoes
1 16 ounce can of Tomato Paste

Meat Base:
1/2 pound lean ground beef (organic recommended)
1/2 pound lean ground turkey (organic recommended)
2 cloves chopped garlice
1 egg
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 vegetable oil
1/4 milk
3/4 cup bread crumbs
Sea Salt
Fresh Ground Pepper
Crushed Red Pepper Flakes
Fresh Chopped Basil

Cheese Mix:
16 ounces of Ricotta Cheese
16 ounces of Grated Mozzarella
1/4 cup grate Parmesan Cheese
1 Egg

The pictures and directions are as follows:

Step 1: Mix Meat

Step 1: Mix Meat
Mix the 1/2 pound of Organic Lean Beef + 1/2 pound of Organic Lean Turkey. Buying Organic will cost slightly more, but buy less and eat better. Add the bread crumbs and milk, and mix all ingredients by hand. Then add the sea salt, ground black pepper, egg, olive oil and vegetable oil. You can do just the olive oil, but I wanted to try a mix of both so the meat wouldn’t burn when cooking. After you have done this, wash your hands, and prepare the cheese mixture by adding 12 ounces of the grated Mozzarella to the 16 ounces of Ricotta and 1/4 cup of grated Parmesan Cheese. Add in a raw egg to help bind the cheese together. Set this mixture aside for Step 6.

Step 2: Add The Rest

Step 2: Add the Rest
Add the chopped garlic, basil, crushed red pepper, grated parmesan cheese – and mix thoroughly.

Step 3: Simmer Tomato Sauce + Cook Meat Mix

Step 3: Simmer Tomato Sauce + Cook Meat Mix
Remember when I showed you how to make fresh Pasta Sauce?
Follow that to make the base tomato sauce while you cook the Meat Mix. Be sure to cook all the meat – though it will cook further in the sauce.

Step 4: Combine + Simmer

Step 4: Combine + Simmer
Once the Tomato Sauce is ready, and the Meat Mix has been cooked, combine the two into the larger pot and set the heat to low. Simmer the Sauce for at least an hour, stirring occasionally.

Step 5: Prepare Pasta

Step 5: Prepare Pasta
I prefer to use fresh pasta, but if you’re like me, you don’t always have the time. Last week I discovered Barilla makes Lasagne in these sheets. Who knew? Anyway cook the pasta according to directions, or use your own or ready-made from your local Italian Pasta Shop.

Step 6: Layer Pan + Bake

Step 6: Layer Pan + Bake
Once you have cooked the Pasta Sauce for at least an hour, and cooked the Lasagne Pasta al dente, you’re ready to prepare the pan. Set your oven to 375 degrees, spray a baking pan with non-stick spray. Add some sauce to the bottom, enough to cover lightly cover the pan. Then layer the pan with pasta (making sure to overlay Lasagne sheets. Add a layer of the Cheese Mixture, be sure to add 1/2 of this mix. Add a layer of Meat Sauce, and repeat these three layers. This picture shows a pseudo exposed top section of the lasagne. Add the final layer of Pasta (three layers of Pasta in all) and top it with the remaining 1/4 cup of Mozzarella Cheese, season top to taste. Cover in tin foil and bake for 30 minutes. Remove Foil and bake for an additional 10 minutes. Broil for a few to lightly brown the cheese.

Step 7: Remove + Cool

Step 7: Remove + Cool
There was a lot to do in Step 6, make sure to read it all before starting your own. Once your Lasange has baked for about 45 minutes, remove from the oven and let it cool for at least 10-15 minutes.

Step 8: Plate + Eat!

Step 8: Plate + Eat!
Be sure to make good cuts within the pasta to separate the layers of pasta, you don’t want to spill it. Use a good spatula to carefully remove a slice and place on a warm plate. Garnish the the top and sides with chopped basil flakes.
Originally uploaded by mojo!.

That’s it. Eat well. Be Well.


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