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art is…

By Friday, September 23, 2005One Comment

// is this art
// by mohit.santram // is theft art?

size(600, 400);

// Load the art. art is located everywhere in the
// main Processing directory/art/folder and they
// must be placed within the imaginary directory
// of your head for them to load
PFont fontA = loadFont(“Ziggurat-HTF-Black-32.vlw”);

// why doesn’t this work?
// where is my damn font?

// Set the font and its size (in units of pixels)
textFont(fontA, 32);

int x = 30;

// Use fill() to change the value or color of the text
text(“is”, x, 60);
text(“theft”, x, 95);
text(“art”, x, 130);
text(“?”, x, 165);

//this code is based on processing example. based off of a processing example.

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