Bickr PhotoFrame: Photo Sending, Commenting, and Voting via cellphones and the web.
Phase One: The Bickr PhotoFrame application will help people share photos with loved ones who may not be technically saavy.
Users can publish pictures from their camera phone and digital cameras to the Bickr PhotoFrame, by emailing pictures to a specified email address. Once the photo has been received by the email server, a background application will parse the image from the mail file and dump the new image into a specified server folder. Meanwhile, the Bickr PhotoFrame will periodically check the server to see if new images have been added. If a new image has been added, the Bickr PhotoFrame will download the new picture to its hard drive. On the front of the Bickr PhotoFrame, the display will loop through photos that have been posted.
Phase Two: The next step of the Bickr PhotoFrame is to build upon the existing strengths of Flickr, while incorporating commenting and voting abilities. Flickr is an easy to use application that allows users to post pictures via a camera phone and web application. Users may tag images as they post them, but they may not comment or vote upon these images. Bickr leverages the strengths of Flickr, while adding group effects accessible through a cell phone.
Background: This project was born out of a need to share pics with my family in a medium they could easily use and interact. I wanted to share pictures with my family, but lacked the time and money to send prints. My family, while interested in the pictures, lacked the time and technical resources to view internet based slideshows or cumbersome photo sites.