* Assignment: Sign up with Dodgeball at http://www.dodgeball.com/, post a photo of yourself, add class mates and me as your friends and make journal entry of this experience.
I’ve been a dodgeball member for some time, in fact I first heard of it when I met Dennis in the Fall of 2002. He came by ym.com to talk to my boss, and ITP alum and myself about Dodgeball. It was an interesting meeting to learn more about SMS messaging and how it could be used in the teen market. Since then Dodgeball went through drastic changes to what it is now. It’s great as you can easily add people to your list, block some through the ex-girlfriend bug feature, and communicate to your friends actively via SMS.
I would love to see Dennis and Alex incorporate more features and shortcuts when creating a text messages. I’m not sure where they are headed in the future, but I look forward to more advances.
Last spring i toook Design Expo and helped create socialight, which is a mobile social networking application. Currently we are still developing the application, but it uses GPS data to locate friends and allows you to communicate with them in a innovative ways. I am taking this class to help me learn phone, J2ME, symbian, and other phone development tools. Our site is at http://www.socialight.net